Monday, January 21, 2013

Once upon a time ( spazzing The L chat ) gayness everywhere

Remma/Swan Queen, whatever you call them...

Probably won't happen but they're hot anyway and it seems like the next episode has some good interaction between them.

Swan Queen - gayness hint :

I loved the backstory, and Mr. Gold's ongoing ambiguity. The evil characters are evil indeed, but they show flickers of self-awareness, and have interestingly mitigating back stories. I can't wait to learn more about Regina's. 

LOVED the scene tonight when she informed Emma about her electoral victory...that little frisson between them, and her satisfaction that Emma was also on Gold's bad side. Must say that Lana P generates more of the Swan Queen heat than JMo, who reverts too often to deer in the headlights mode.

The great Jane Espenson wrote this episode. She's got a couple more upcoming, and is also a sometime producer. Let's hope she sticks around the show a long time.

Seriously, Swan Queen would be such a great twist if they have the guts to go that direction.

Also, is Emma in her underwear in this scene?


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